AMA Flight School

Screenshot of AMA Flight School
Site was Drupal 7 with several content types. I upgraded the site to Drupal 10. During the migration I shifted to using the Paragraphs module. I...

AMA Foundation

AMA Foundation Homepage
This site was originally WordPress. I migrated it to Backdrop CMS. The theme uses Bootstrap 5, which I began using in both Drupal and Backdrop...

Model Aviation

Homepage of Model Aviation
Model Aviation is Drupal 7. Options for upgrading to Backdrop CMS or Drupal 10 are still being explored.

Model Aviation Library

homepage of model aviation library
When I arrived, this site was on Drupal 7 and had not had a security update in five years. The site used an install profile that was no longer...

Park Pilot

homepage of the park pilot
The Park Pilot was a magazine published by the Academy of Model Aeronautics for 15 years. The website was a supplement to the print magazine for...


YouTube Channel
While working at the library I was an active contributor to the library's YouTube channel. The videos have been a mix of marketing, recording library programs, and training videos. I edited with Adobe Premiere Pro.

Completely Booked Podcast

Completely Booked logo
I began producing the Completely Booked Podcast with the second season in June 2019. We released weekly episodes. This continued until COVID-19...

First Coast Pops

First Coast Pops
I played trombone in a community orchestra while in Jacksonville. I inherited the website built with Weebly and managed it for several years,...
